Outdated codebase, new team

There is a big myth in the world of software development. If it works, don’t touch it. Although this statement seems to be very true, this approach harbors many dangers both technically and culturally. In this article, I will evaluate…

My PhpStorm file watcher for php-cs-fixer

I started using PHP Code Style Fixer long time ago for automatically fix my code style. You can use this tool via command line. But also you can add a file-watcher for PhpStorm. It runs php-cs-fixer on every file save.…

Running Laravel4 with PHP7

I will not argue about Laravel’s shitty versioning system and dropping support for older versions. They are so excited, everyday adding a new feature to framework’s core. Yeah, thats really good thing but who cares fucking backward compability? Anyway, if…